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Breakfast seminar: Google Analytics 4

On July 1st this year, Universal Analytics, also known as Google Analytics 3, will stop collecting data. Have you already transitioned to the new one? Great! If not, join us for our breakfast event on how you can get started with Google Analytics 4

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Out with the old, in with the new

This is not new information for most people, and many have likely already started working with Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or are well on their way. At Piktiv, we have been working with it since 2021 and have helped many of our clients transition from the old to the new.

This has meant a transition for many companies that have relied on the data provided by Universal Analytics. Much has changed in GA4, and there are some things that need to be kept in mind.

Monitoring and analysis of digital marketing and website performance are vital parts of growth management, which makes this breakfast seminar even more relevant.

Getting started with Google Analytics 4

Sebastian Tyssling, Growth Manager at Piktiv, will be hosting a breakfast seminar on May 5th at our new office at Nygatan 16B in Örebro.

Who are we targeting?

  • Marketing managers or decision-makers at companies who want to understand the implications of the new analytics tool and how it can help you
  • Those who have not yet transitioned to Google Analytics 4 and want advice along the way
  • Those who are interested in how analytics tools can help their company make better business decisions

We have over 2 years of experience working with Google Analytics 4, and during this seminar, we will cover:

  • How to get started with Google Analytics 4 on your website
  • Differences between Google Analytics 4 and its predecessor, Universal Analytics
  • Different available reports and how you can use them


  • Friday, May 5th, Nygatan 16B in Örebro
  • 07:30 - 08:00 Breakfast mingle
  • 08:00 - 09:00 Seminar & time for questions

The seminar will be in Swedish. 

Breakfast is on us - Warmly welcome!

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